Name | Type | Writable | Restrictions | Description |
createdAt | int | | | Creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
description | string | V | | The description of the Flavor Params
id | int | | | The id of the Flavor Params
isSystemDefault | KalturaNullableBoolean | | | True if those Flavor Params are part of system defaults
mediaParserType | KalturaMediaParserType | V | | Media parser type to be used for post-conversion validation
name | string | V | | The name of the Flavor Params
partnerId | int | V | | |
remoteStorageProfileIds | int | V | | Comma seperated ids of remote storage profiles that the flavor distributed to, the distribution done by the conversion engine
requiredPermissions | KalturaStringArray | V | | Array of partner permisison names that required for using this asset params
sourceAssetParamsIds | string | V | | Comma seperated ids of source flavor params this flavor is created from
sourceRemoteStorageProfileId | int | V | | Id of remote storage profile that used to get the source, zero indicates Kaltura data center
systemName | string | V | | System name of the Flavor Params
tags | string | V | | The Flavor Params tags are used to identify the flavor for different usage (e.g. web, hd, mobile)